Important Dates
Born On: 2nd April, 1931; Fatehpur(U.P.)
1952: M.Sc. Physics, University of Allahabad
1956: Head of Department of Physics, University of Allahabad
1990: Bhuvaneshwar Award
Died On: 8th July, 1989; America
आधुनिकता के पहलू (Dimensions of Modernism)
A novel throws light on but one aspect of life, binds it within limitations of time, and presents it in a single style. But reality is never so uncluttered and simple, nor is it sufficient to look at life only from one angle, and time too does not flow in a single direction. Language also changes on different occasions from person to person and from one place to another. But their language provides us an opportunity to view and assess life from a fresh angle. Language provides us the medium to touch our past, present and future and permit intimacy with them. In this context, this novel helps you. You may also feel that you have acquired a better understanding of yourself. |
सृजन के परिवेश
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The dialogues are based on reason. The end of one results in the lapse of the other. To continue dialogues in all situations may be dangerous but to face this danger again and again is a mark of civilisation.From this point of view, critics are necessary, though they are dangerous. The collection of essays 'Srijan ke Parivesh' (environment for creativity) face this necessary danger. Reason is attracted towards what is new and strange, so that it may shield it for future. It inexorably moves towards the limits of the familiar till it reaches the borderline and faces the unfamiliar. Having reached there, it doesnot rest till it levels the gap. Thus it reestablishes order and widens the area of dialogue. These essays ae examples of this process. Reason never remains static but is always dynamic. After coming to a conclusion, it atonce challanges it. It considers every known aspect and every available environment as a part of the complete picture. Hence it never ends its investigation. These essays attempt to project this trend in contemplation. Everyone will like these essays written in simple language. |
कविता नाटक तथा अन्य कलाएं
The demise of Bipin Kumar Agarwal in 1989 was a great blow to Hindi Literature. He had enriched every field of literature with his talented contribution. Science and fine arts also suffered in grief at his loss. 'Kavita, Natak Tatha Anya Kalayen' (Poetry, Drama and Other Arts) is a posthumous collection of his essays. It throws light on the multidimensional personality of the author. Apart from poetry, drama and arts, these essays also encompass science, philosophy and aesthetics and all these supplement each other. It is a marvel of creativity.Besides being a source of delight, it is also a torch bearer for us. Another feature of these vocal and vibrant essays is that they never use a loud or a bitter tone. Since his approach was entirely rationalistic, there was no need to be loud - either in his personal life or in his creative work. If any sharpness came, it was from his infalliable satire. He would not use a sword where a needle would suffice. Instead, he wanted to use a needle even when a sword appeared neccessary. This called for utter self confidence, which he had in plenty without showing it off. In these essays, you get a glimpse of his inspiring and loving personality. |
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