Important Dates

Born On: 2nd April, 1931; Fatehpur(U.P.)

1952: M.Sc. Physics, University of Allahabad

1956: Head of Department of Physics, University of Allahabad

1990: Bhuvaneshwar Award

Died On: 8th July, 1989; America

Portrait of A Genius

Dr. Bipin Kumar Agarwal

Artist, Poet, Writer and Scientist

In his lifetime as an artist, from 1950 to 1970, Dr Agarwal made about 100 oil paintings, some water colour paintings and a vast number of sketches. He was basically a scientist and had not received any official training in the art of painting. He painted only to express his own personal feelings and experiences.

Dr. Bipin Kumar Agarwal was born in Fatehpur(U.P.) on 2nd April 1931. In 1952, he received his M.Sc. in Physics from the University of Allahabad. There he began his lifetime career of teaching and rose to the post of Head of the Department of Physics. In 1956, he went to Rochester University (U.S.A.) for research work. There he organised his first individual painting exhibition in 1957.

Along with six books on Physics, he wrote six collections of poetry, one novel, three collections of essays and three collections of plays. He was the editor of the literary magazine "Ka Kha Ga" for five years. He died on 8th July 1989 in America and in 1990 was posthumously awarded the "Bhuvaneshwar Award".

(प्रकाशन) )Publications

कविता संग्रह
(Collection of Poems)
ड्रामा संग्रह
(Collection of Plays)

1. नंगे पैर

2. इस धरती पर

3. आदिहीन अनंत यात्रा

4. आकारहीन संसार

5. ढूँढा और पाया

1. बीती आप बीती आप

1. तीन अपाहिज

2. लोटन

3. खोये हुए आदमी की खोज

1. आधुनिकता के पहलू

2. सृजन के परिवेश

3. कविता नाटक तथा अन्य कलाएं

1. Quantum Mechanics

2. Statistical Mechanics

3. X-Ray Spectroscopy

4. Thermal Physics

5. Nuclear Physics

'...the drawings had an arresting quality that engaged me for days. Executed with a simplicity approaching contemporaneity, a sense of urgent significance.'

'...whether in his landscapes or his portraits or his abstract or non-representational paintings, he is striving for effective formal expression. He is always ready to give himself up to the logic of the brush or palette knife and to the genius of the colours themselves. And that is saying a good deal, more than that is for the pictures themselves to say.'
- S.H. Vatsyayan

©Bipin Kumar Agarwal